​The Brantford Golf and Country Club
Learn To Curl League
The eight -week program is for all new curlers and for those wishing to brush up on their curling skills. Curling courses and clinics will help you learn how to enjoy the game to fullest and teach you the skills needed to avoid slips and falls. It’s a great opportunity to meet new members, learn to deliver a rock, sweep a rock & how to score and play the game. This eight-week program will now start on Thursday October 24th at 8:00 pm and will run weekly until Thursday December 12th. This eight-week program is $79 for non-members or is included (free) if you have a BGCC curling membership. If at the end of the clinics, you wish to join, we will simply put the clinic fee towards your membership and you can simply pay the difference. This program, you do need to sign up for so I can get a number of volunteers to help out.
Learn to Curl clinics are for all new curlers and for those wishing to brush up on their curling skills. Curling courses and clinics will help you learn how to enjoy the game to fullest and teach you the skills needed to avoid slips and falls.
It’s a great opportunity to meet new members, learn to deliver a rock, sweep a rock, how to score and play the game.
What to Wear:
Clean, flat soled, grippy shoes
Gloves (optional)
Warm, loose clothing
We Provide:
To Register, please contact Edwin Knox 519-865-2220
If you have any questions or you wish to sign up for the
eight-week program, please send me an email
at curling@brantfordgolf-cc.com
Hope to see you all on the ice
Edwin Knox
Curling Manager
Brantford Golf & Country Club